

Check out Elixa’s Facebook page for the occasional, usually enlightening post about ways you can keep yourself optimally healthy, happy, and long-lived without pharmaceuticals and bad advice from uninformed medical professionals.

Intermittent fasting increase lifespan by giving your digestive system the time it needs to perform other needed functions beyond dealing with food.

Men should not eat for 16 hours and women for 14 every day. For example, eat a balanced diet (preferably Paleo/Ketogenic/Bulletproof) from 9 am to 5 pm for men or 9-7 for women, or whatever fits your schedule and lifestyle. The fasting period includes time sleeping and will prevent acid reflux (GIRD) and avoid the harmful proton pump inhibiting drugs prescribed by so many ill-informed docs who cannot be bothered to read the research. During the fasting period, you can and should drink liquids that do not contain carbohydrates or proteins, eg black coffee or tea will not take you out of ketosis.

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